Body Memories
Choreography : Thea Bautista
Artist: Chloe Bensahel
Dancers : Thea Bautista, Artémus Grolleau Birotteau
Music: Vincent Blanot
Technology: Jonathan Tanan
© 2024
Created at Conservatoire de Levallois, Fondation des États-Unis and at the Centre National de la Danse.
Body Memories
A performance by Althea Dance Company in collaboration with Chloe Bensahel
Body Memories is an interactive performance, extension of the artist’s 2021 work “Body Memory,” in partnership with Althea Dance Company, founded by Thea Bautista. Inspired by Bautista and Bensahel’s multi-cultural experiences marked by migration, Body Memories is a three-person dance piece that considers the coexistence of many narratives, cultures, and melodies within a single body, sometimes in frictional ways. Using conductive-yarn embroidery, each dancer can trigger sounds that vary according to the areas of the body touched. These gestures are connected to a computer system that spatializes the sounds. Visual and auditory narratives thus unfold, between bodies and continents.
This performance will be performed at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris on April 27, 2024 and is available with an exhibition ticket. It will take place in the Grande Rotonde.